Monday, July 12, 2010

ICP and the Juggalos – More Than Just Horror Music

Submitted By: Felix Lehmann

When ICP released its first album way back in 1991, the initials stood for Inner City Posse. Later on, this Detroit band changed its name to Insane Clown Posse. This duo consists of Joe Bruce, also known as Violent J, and Joey Ulster who goes by the more interesting name of Shaggy 2 Dope. The kind of music they perform is a sort of hardcore hip hop known as horrorcore. Their music consists of supernatural and horror themed lyrics and they have elaborate stage shows to go along with it. ICP has a devoted fan following that calls itself the Juggalos. Female fans are not to be left behind and they call themselves the Juggalettes.
ICP and the Juggalos – More Than Just Horror Music

The lyrics of almost every song released by ICP have managed to attract a lot of attention because of their unconcealed violence and malice. Some of their favorite themes are cannibalism and necrophilia, when they are not singing about ordinary murders. ICP justifies its violent lyrics saying that they give their urban audience an outlet for all their dissatisfaction as well as their pent up aggression. A closer examination of their lyrics will also show you that ICP talks about various problems that affect the youth of today such as racism, domestic violence and sex abuse, especially of children.

During various interviews, the members of ICP have taken pains to explain that they never incite their fans to commit violence. The violent lyrics and the suggestive stage acts are just used as a device to get the attention of the audience. Their core audience is very young and therefore has a notoriously short attention span. It follows therefore, that a band has to resort to outrageous lyrics and acts in order to gain and retain their attention.

ICP is very vocal in their rejection of violence and band members have gone on record at various times saying that they do not approve of violence of any sort.

ICP has been very successful in creating the Juggalo subculture and there are even some established rap artists who consider themselves part of this group. There is an annual event called the Gathering of the Juggalos organized by the band’s record label Psychopathic Records where various horrorcore and hardcore hip hop labels perform to an audience of Juggalos and Juggalettes. It goes on for four days and it has lots of wrestling events in addition to musical performances. The favorite drink of this group is a non alcoholic beverage called Faygo and they consume vast quantities of this during this festival.

Needless to say, Juggalos and Juggalettes wear distinctive T shirts and these are very easily available due to their popularity. Of course, many schools discourage the wearing of these clothes to school because of their association with violent and gruesome lyrics. Many authority figures are now beginning to understand that listening to ICP does not necessarily cause people to take to crime, and that it can actually help them to let off some steam without causing harm to anybody.


Why I Watch the Bachelorette?

Submitted By: Bill Preston

OK. Here is something I don’t admit to just anybody. I watch The Bachelorette reality TV show. Granted, I usually have a hot woman at my side watching it with me, but still, I watch it. (By the way, women think its hot when you watch a girly show with them.)

I know for a fact that there is a lot to learn from watching a dating show like this. Don’t believe me?
Why I Watch the Bachelorette?

Although the show is not over (I think as I write this it has been narrowed down to six guys), there are still many lessons to learn.

There are a few things you can learn from tuning in each week to the drama and sappiness inherent in these shows. You can get some startling insight into what women want. You can also at the same time learn a lot about what women do not want. For example, during this season, Bachelorette Alie gave some pretty clear reasons at times why she decided to keep someone on the show or give them a rose for that night.

For instance, one night she gave a rose to the man who had spent the entire time being an alpha male. He was not a show off or arrogant, but he patiently took a leadership role and helped everyone else on the show with their horse riding skills. She pointed this out and was grateful to him and gave him a rose. She talked about how much she appreciated his take charge and helpful attitude.

Another episode, she gave a rose to the guy who brought her chicken soup and flowers when she was sick. That ability to nurture her and comfort here and genuinely care about her well being paid off. He also has made it to the last six on the show.

Although it didn’t help him make it to the final cut, one guy who wasn’t the most attractive guy of the first 25, made it to the final 6. Why? Because he made her laugh. It only went so far because eventually she realized there wasn’t a romantic spark between the two of them, but his ability to make her laugh at least gave him a chance to explore whether there was an attraction or not.

In addition, by watching this show, you see what doesn’t work. For instance, one guy was very overbearing in his feelings. He expressed strong feelings that probably were a little early for only knowing someone a few weeks. He was overly sentimental and she didn’t think he was sincere, even if he was. It was just a little too much, too soon.

He professed his love for her with a tattoo and frankly, that was just plain scary to her.

So even if you have to do it in secret, I recommend you not shy away from watching reality dating shows. Look at it like a researcher or scientist. Analyze what appears to work and what doesn’t. Of course, it is a manufactured environment and is a far stretch from reality, but you can still find clues to what women want and what women don’t want by paying attention.